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XB2BX Guest post agreement 

1. is grateful for your visit.

a.     Please take a moment to revise these terms on our guest agreement page, which contains descriptions of the regulations, the submission process, and other essential details.

b.     Your contribution is exactly what we're looking for, which also increases the possibility that the piece will be posted on our website.

c.     This Guest Post Agreement (the "Agreement") is established and made between the undersigned independent Author (from now on "Author"), and (from now on "Company"). (the "Site") is the UKGB Limited company's website.

2.     The Author and Company concur on the following in exchange for the covenants and conditions outlined below:


a.     Before sending us your content, kindly abide by the foll

1.     Under no circumstances may you: 

a.     Enter into any agreements on behalf of XB2BXB, assume any liabilities on behalf of UKGB Limited, act for or bind UKGB Limited in any manner, sign your name or that of XB2BX or suggest that UKGBLTD is liable for your actions or inactions. Use our materials to suggest that you and XB2BX are partners or that we have sponsored refer to UKGBLTD as a customer in any way or format. For any use of UKGB Limited trademarks, logos, or other intellectual property, you must first get specific written permission from UKGB Limited.


a.     You grant UKGBLTD a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, and fully sub-licensable right and licence to reproduce, distribute, publicly display, use, perform, create any derivative of your likeness in any form of technology that is currently known or later developed for any purpose, including commercial ones.


 a.     To the fullest extent permitted by law, neither UKGB Limited nor any of its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, suppliers, or licensors will direct or indirect incidental, unique, cover consequential damages, including losses in profits, revenue, sales, goodwill, use of the content, impact on business, business interruption, loss of anticipated savings. Therefore, you are responsible for any damage that results from this.



a.     You agree to defend UKGB Limited, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, suppliers, and licensors against any liabilities, losses, damages, or costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) associated with or resulting from any third party. Allegations, claims, actions, disputes, or demands made against any of them due to or in connection with your article, your use of the Services, or any wilful misconduct on your part. 


a.     Any effort by you to, without our prior written Agreement, assign, resell, or sublicense any of your duties or obligations herein, in whole or in part, by assignment, transfer, or any other means. The consent shall be void, which we may withhold in our sole discretion and without incurring any obligation. Suppose we sell all or nearly all of our assets, stock, or other holdings or combine with another company. In that case, we can fully or partially transfer any of our duties or rights under this Agreement to any other party.


a.     We claim the right to modify this Agreement or its contents at any time and solely at our discretion.

b.     When we do, we'll change the date "updated" at the bottom of this page. Unless otherwise provided, a revised version of this Agreement shall become effective upon posting.

c.     If you submit any additional Articles in the future after the revisions, you will be regarded to have accepted the modifications.

d.     Any amended Agreement goes into effect (or take any other action that may be stipulated at that time). 


a.     You affirm that you have read this Agreement and agree. By submitting a piece for the website's publication, you agree to the XB2BX conditions of this Agreement. Accepting this Agreement and submitting any Articles is only permitted if you agree to abide by its conditions.  


a.     When you ("post" "you," or "your") and wish to submit a guest article ("Article") for the website ("website"), this guest post agreement ("Agreement") lays forth the general rules, requirements, terms, conditions, rights, and obligations. You and UKGB Limited (also known as "XB2BX," "we," "us," or "our") are parties to this Agreement.

b.     If you are signing a contract with another legal entity, you must be guaranteed that it's authorised to bind that entity to our terms. In that case, "writer," "you," or "your"  do not accept this Agreement if you have such authority or concur with the rules, terms, conditions, rights, or duties. 


a.     All rights and limitations outlined in this Agreement may only be exercised and shall be applicable and binding insofar as any laws. They are also intended to be limited to the minimum extent necessary to avoid making this Agreement illegal, invalid, or unenforceable. All parties intend that the portions constitute an Agreement concerning the subject matter hereof and that all remaining portions thereof shall remain in force effect of any provision shall be held into competent jurisdiction court.


a.     This Agreement shall govern and be construed following the substantive and procedural of Great Britain, without conflicts of law to the extent applicable, the laws of the United Kingdom. As a result, you submit to the personal jurisdiction of the United Kingdom courts as the sole jurisdiction and venue for any legal proceedings on the subject matter of this Agreement. You forgo your right to a jury trial in any action arising from or connected to this Agreement. The Contracts for the International Sale and Purchase of Goods of the United Nations shall not apply to this Agreement.


a.     Author acknowledges that Company may, in its sole discretion, use their name, likeness, image, and voice in connection with preserving the Work's posting or other uses, and the Author agrees to supply the Company with a photograph that is appropriate for display with the Work. Despite those mentioned above, the Company may choose to provide a reference link to or other websites in the attribution if it utilises the Work on OUR websites and maybe in others other than


a.     Without the Author's consent or prior notification, the Company can change and delete any part of the Work as it sees fit. The Company is allowed to add to the pages that include any content placed by the Author.


a.     The Company shall be deemed the sole owner of all usage and reader data and information about the Work. The Author must first obtain written consent from the Company before using any of its names or trademarks.


a.     The Company shall be deemed the sole owner of all usage and reader data and information about the Work. The Author must first obtain written consent from the Company before using any of its names or trademarks.

b.     Author consented to abide by any editorial about this Company from time to time provided to the Author.

2.     FINANCE

a.     Author will not be eligible for any financial or other rewards. If the Author's Work generates income, neither the Author nor the Author's rights or stock in the Company will be entitled to a share of the revenue.


a.     Author guarantees and certifies that the Work is original, hasn't been published before, this Agreement and owns the rights granted to the Company, can transfer those rights, has no defamatory or illegal content or instructions that could cause harm, damage, or injury, won't infringe upon or violate any third party's copyright, trademark, trade secret, or another right, or their privacy, doesn't contain any affiliate links, and any assertions of fact in the Work are factual or are based on generally recognised professional standards. The Author guarantees that the Work is of a high calibre and is professional.


a.     Author promises to hold the Company, its successors, officers, directors, agents, shareholders, and employees free from claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, or expenses.


a.     Independent of the Company is the Author. Nothing should be read to establish an employer-employee relationship, to assure future employment or engagement, or to restrict the Company's ability to stop using the Author's services or displaying the Author's Work at any time. The Author will give the Company valid documentation of their independent status if required.




a.     The entire contract. This Agreement, which supersedes any earlier or contemporaneous written or oral agreements, representations, or warranties between them about the subject matter hereof, comprises the whole Agreement and understanding between the parties hereto.

b.     Amendment. Only a written document signed by the Author and a duly accredited representative of the Company may change this Agreement.

c.     is the severity. If any term of this Agreement will be subject to any person, place or circumstance, is determined invalid to void, the remainder of this Agreement provision covenant, or condition as applied to other persons, businesses, and events shall remain in full force and effect.

d.     Construction is. The headings and subtitles in this Agreement are merely included for convenience and are not intended to affect how this Agreement should be read or understood. In all circumstances, the words used throughout this Agreement shall be given their fair meaning and not strictly in favour of or against either party. Any rule of construction that would rule ambiguities against the party who wrote them is not applicable when reading this Agreement.

e.     Cumulative rights. The rights and remedies by this Agreement are cumulative, and neither party (or its successor) shall be deemed to have waived or disclaimed its right to assert any other rights or remedies, whether under this Agreement, another agreement, or the law.

f.      Nonwaiver, or g. No of any good power or privilege under this Agreement—or of the same request, control, or benefit in any other instance—by either party's failure or neglect to exercise such right, power, or privilege in any instance shall be deemed of any other right, authority, or request. Any waiver made by either party hereto shall be in writing to be charged by an officer or other person legally authorised by the Company in the case of the Company.

g.     Correction for Breach. The parties acknowledge that any remedy at law or in damages would be inadequate if any of the covenants of the Author were breached or threatened to be breached because of the potential harm to the Company's business value and goodwill. The parties hereto agree to any other remedies (including monetary damages) that may be to the Company under this Agreement or by law, and the Company be entitled to injunctive relief against the Author if any of these provisions are breached or threatened to be breached by the Author.

h.     Notices are. Any written notice, request, consent, or approval necessary or allowed under this Agreement or by law must be sent to the Author's home, business address, email address, or the Company's principal office, as applicable. It must also be sent by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, or by email.

i.      Conflicts. Any claim or dispute between the parties hereto, their permitted assignees, their affiliates, their attorneys, or agents or relating to this Agreement or the relationship of the parties, whether during the relationship's existence or after exclusively by confidential binding arbitration under the commercial arbitration rules of effect at the time the arbitration's commencement. Each party will cover his legal fees and half of the arbitrator's fees and costs. Any claim or dispute arising from or connected Agreement between the parties must be made only individually; no class action is permitted.

j.      The task. The Author's engagement is personal, and he cannot sublet or assign any of his rights or obligations under the Agreement. The Company's rights under this Agreement may be freely given, transferred, or licenced.


Contacting us

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this Agreement, we encourage you to contact us using the details below:

This document was last updated on May 18, 2023