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Agricultural products encompass various crops, livestock, and other natural resources cultivated or raised on farms or agricultural lands. These products are essential for sustaining human and animal nutrition, supporting the economy, and providing raw materials to various industries. Here are common categories of agricultural products and examples of specific products within each category:
1. **Crops:**
- **Grains:** Wheat, rice, corn, barley, oats, rye, and sorghum, used for human consumption and animal feed.
- **Oilseeds:** Soybeans, sunflower seeds, canola, peanuts, and flaxseeds are processed for oil used in cooking, industrial purposes, and animal feed.
- **Fruits:** Apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, strawberries, mangoes, and avocados are consumed fresh or processed into juices, jams, and other products.
- **Vegetables:** Potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, broccoli, cucumbers, and spinach, essential for a balanced diet and culinary purposes.
- **Legumes:** Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are protein-rich and often used as a dietary staple worldwide.
- **Tubers:** Potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, and cassava are sources of carbohydrates and essential food crops.
- **Cotton:** A fibre crop used to produce textiles and various industrial products.
2. **Livestock and Poultry:**
- **Cattle:** Raised for meat (beef), dairy products (milk, cheese), and other by-products like leather.
- **Poultry:** Chickens (broilers), turkeys, ducks, and eggs provide a significant source of protein in diets globally.
- **Pigs:** Raised for pork, a popular worldwide meat product.
- **Sheep and Goats:** Raised for meat (lamb, mutton), wool, and dairy products (cheese, milk).
- **Aquaculture Products:** Fish (tilapia, salmon, catfish), shrimp, and other aquatic organisms raised in controlled environments for human consumption.
3. **Dairy Products:**
- **Milk:** Cow's, goat's, and sheep's milk produce various dairy products like cheese, butter, yoghurt, and cream.
- **Cheese:** A variety of cheeses made from different types of milk and fermentation processes.
- **Butter:** A dairy product made from milk fat, commonly used in cooking and baking.
4. **Horticultural Products:**
- **Flowers and Ornamental Plants:** Roses, tulips, lilies, and other flowers used for decoration, landscaping, and gifting.
- **Nursery Plants:** Seedlings, saplings, and young plants raised in nurseries for transplanting into gardens, farms, or landscapes.
5. **Beverage Crops:**
- **Coffee:** Coffee beans are a widely consumed beverage crop globally.
- **Tea:** Leaves from the Camellia sinensis plant are used to produce various types of tea.
- **Cocoa:** Cocoa beans are the primary ingredient in chocolate production.
6. **Specialty and High-Value Crops:**
- **Herbs and Spices:** Mint, basil, parsley, pepper, cinnamon, and various herbs and spices used for culinary, medicinal, and flavouring purposes.
- **Nuts:** Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and cashews are consumed as snacks and used in cooking and baking.
7. **Fiber and Textile Crops:**
- **Cotton:** The primary source of natural fibre used in textile production.
- **Flax:** Used to produce linen, a textile material.
8. **Forestry Products:**
- **Timber:** Lumber and wood products used in construction, furniture, and other industries.
- **Paper and Pulp:** Produced from wood fibre and used in various paper products.
9. **Agroforestry Products:**
- Products derived from integrating trees or woody perennials with crops or livestock, providing a mix of food, fibre, and timber.
These agricultural products are crucial for sustaining global food security, supporting economies, and meeting consumer needs worldwide.